Monday, November 25, 2019

How to make homemade ice cream Essay Example

How to make homemade ice cream Essay Example How to make homemade ice cream Essay How to make homemade ice cream Essay Have you ever wanted to try making your own homemade Ice cream? Have you not done It Just because you thought you needed an Ice cream machine to do It? Well, there are a few different ways to make homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker. All you need is a handful of ingredients, the proper utensils, and a little time. One fast and easy way to make homemade ice cream is by making it in a plastic bag. Another way you can do this requires the use of a stove and the correct cooking utensils. Each way is simple, but depending on the materials you have one will be easier to do than the other. If you dont have a lot of time and want a quick snack In no time you can make the Ice cream with the plastic bag method. If you want more ice cream and have time, the proper cooking utensils, and a stove you can use this other cooking method. Making ice cream can give you something to do when youre bored, hungry for a snack, or want to try something new. Making your own ice cream can save you money and you can show these different methods to your friends, family, or children. It can be an enjoyable activity and the end results are amazing. The Ice cream Is delicious and satisfying. These processes take Just a short time to do ND are simple and easy to complete. Using the plastic bag method is easy enough for almost anyone to do, even young children. The stove method is a little more advanced and not recommended for young children unless accompanied by an adult. Weve decided to give you a couple different ways to make your own homemade Ice cream because we know people may have the proper materials to make It one way, but maybe not the other. The bag method Is simpler and can be something fun to do with your friends, whereas the stove method may produce higher quality ice cream and be something youd do to challenge yourself in the itched. Ingredients/Materials: 1/2 cup milk (whole or 2% work best) or half and half 1/2 cup heavy cream (optional) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon sugar 4 cups Ice cubes or crushed Ice 4 tablespoons salt 2 quart-sized plastic food storage bags 1 gallon-sized plastic food storage bag A hand towel or winter gloves How to Make It: In one of the quart-sized bags combine the milk, sugar, and vanilla (and heavy cream if you want). Carefully squeeze as much air out of the bag as possible and seal it tightly. Excess air in the bag could cause it to open during the mixing process, which wouldnt be good. Put the bag of ingredients you just combined into the other quart- sized bag. Squeeze the air out of this bag as well and seal it. By double-bagging, there Is less of a chance of salt and water leaking Into your ice cream. Next, put the quart-sized bags Inside the gallon sized bag. It Is best to use a gallon-sized freezer and less likely to be punctured or torn open while making the ice cream. Once you have the smaller bags in the larger bag, add the ice and salt into the larger bag, covering and surrounding the small bags. You can use table salt for this, though Kosher or rock salt will work better for you. Squeeze the air out of this bag and seal it tightly. Elf youre using a towel wrap the towel around the bag. If not, put your gloves on. Then, shake and massage the mixture. Continue doing this until the ice cream is at the consistency you want. This will take about five to ten minutes to do. You can then remove the quart-sized bags from the gallon-sized bag and eat your ice cream. You may want to rinse the outer quart-sized bag to be sure the salt is off it and doesnt get into your ice cream. You can then eat your treat right out of the bag, put it into a bowl, or enjoy it in a cone.

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